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AWEsome Sash – Black Taffeta

595,00 lei

AWEsome Sash – Black Taffeta

Una. Nessuna. Centomila. Collection by AWE

In older and even contemporary times, the sash is worn by men to show status, class, chivalric order, merit or rank as part of a ceremonial attire.
However, in the spirit of AWE brand identity, we dared to enter this fashionable man’s world and take what we believe to describe equally well a woman. So, a woman wearing an AWE sash will always show high class, a chivalric attitude, confident and positive status and not only a lot of merits, but pure excellence, when required.
As the song goes, ”this is a man’s world, but it wouldn’t mean nothing without a woman or a girl.”


595,00 lei

Cercei din marama de borangic

I heard someone say that you’re not quite dressed until a pair of earrings add sparkle.

I subscribe.

What about you?

130,00 lei
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Marama Scarf

150,00 lei

Marama Scarf

„Există oare o imagine mai încântătoare decât cea a unei tinere țărănci române, în fusta ei roșie sau portocalie, cu o basma galbenă peste pletele ei negre, cu ochi mari, luminoși, într-un contur întunecos, cu ulciorul verde pe capul ei, mergând pe câmpii, sau o femeie româncă, împodobită în faldurile splendide ale voalului ei alb sau galben, șezând și lucrând la războiul de țesut?”

se intreaba Carmen Sylva (Regina Elisabeta a Romaniei) în introducere cărții The Art of Tatting, scrisă de Katharin L. Hoare.

150,00 lei
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Mr. Darcy Shirt for Her

Una. Nessuna. Centomila. Collection by AWE

We, women, are both Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet at the same time, we have all pride and prejudices and we all have sense and nurture sensibilities, we are intricate human beings with mixed feelings and deep XXI inner structural complexities.

That’s why we need a man’s shirt. To show that we can cross boundaries and look AWEsome while doing it.

585,00 lei
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570,00 lei


Colours are wonderful, they are the sparkle of life, they paint our grey days happier and put a smile on our faces, but we could never do without our simple and white shirt, soft to touch, easy to wear, lovely to watch and perfect to describe each and everyone of you, AWEsome girls.

570,00 lei

AWEsome Bow/Shawl

1.350,00 lei

AWEsome Bow/Shawl

”The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.” John Ruskin

1.350,00 lei

Candy Pink Earrings

120,00 lei

Candy Pink Earrings

Never underestimate the power of pink and the love for candies.

120,00 lei
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Happy Colour Candy Earrings

The best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you.

130,00 lei
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385,00 lei


Una. Nessuna. Centomila. Collection by AWE

Patchworking is ancient. Storytelling is even older. Patchworking and storytelling go hand in hand. Actually, patchworking is a form of telling stories in a visual way because each block or stripe of colourful fabric is a story in itself and befriends another fabric to which it is sewn, listens to its neighbour’s story and in turns tells it its own life story. And so they can go on with their stories endlessly because there is no end to it, the story never ends as it is as long as life itself.

385,00 lei
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895,00 lei


Una. Nessuna. Centomila. Collection by AWE

Patchworking is ancient. Storytelling is even older. Patchworking and storytelling go hand in hand. Actually, patchworking is a form of telling stories in a visual way because each block or stripe of colourful fabric is a story in itself and befriends another fabric to which it is sewn, listens to its neighbour’s story and in turns tells it its own life story. And so they can go on with their stories endlessly because there is no end to it, the story never ends as it is as long as life itself.


895,00 lei
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The wanderer skirt

795,00 lei

The wanderer skirt

A skirt like a lifetime story, a story to tell and a story to wear.

795,00 lei
Selectează opțiunile Acest produs are mai multe variații. Opțiunile pot fi alese în pagina produsului.


850,00 lei


Una. Nessuna. Centomila. Collection by AWE

In Japanese, kimono means literally ”thing to wear”. A most versatile piece simple and straight-seamed which turned into a most dynamic and resilient garment which stood the test of time, covered imperial and artistic skins and descended to the streets to grace the ordinary as well.
This kimono jacket explores simultaneity of colours, game of contrasts, light and colour, colour blocking and geometric play and fits a personality unafraid to show who she is.


850,00 lei
Happy Friday

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